Tax Problem Resolution

If you are about to be audited, or under a current audit from the IRS or any state agency - we can help.

Do you have unfiled tax returns hanging over your head? We are here to help!

Owe the IRS or any states back taxes? Talk to us and let's work together to solve this!

Getting behind on payroll taxes is a dangerous situation. If you are struggling with this, or have received a notice from the IRS or any state tax agency, call us for help.

Few things are more disturbing than your own government claiming your assets to satisfy a tax debt. If you are being threatened with this, don't ignore it. We are here to help.

When you owe money to the IRS or the state, your wages may end up being garnished. Sometimes, there are ways to end this garnishment and restore your paycheck back to its full amount.

When it comes to taxes, there is nothing worse than having your own government seize your assets. Fortunately, the road is long before this occurs. If you are under threat of asset seizure from the IRS or any state tax agency - contact us right away.

Owe the IRS money? Surprised by a large tax bill? It may be possible to establish a payment plan with the IRS!

We've all heard the ads about how you can turn a $100,000 IRS debt into a $1,000 agreement. Now if you want the truth and a viable game plan...

Bankruptcy is never an easy or pleasant experience. Make sure you have all of your ducks lined up, to avoid any potential unforeseen tax implications.

What's worse than a cheating spouse? One that is also cheating on your joint tax return!

Worried that your previous tax preparer might have mis-filed your return, or filed a tax return that was different from the version he/she gave you?

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