Audit Representation

If you are about to be audited, or under a current audit from the IRS or any state agency - we can help.

We will work closely with you to completely understand the entire audit situation, reducing the stress and anxiety for you as we take on the IRS and/or the state agency auditing you, with professionalism and thoroughness. We leave nothing to chance and quickly put together a game plan to get through the audit with as little (or no) impact to you as possible.

Any audit can be a stressful, anxiety-inducing event. We have experience with this and know how to navigate through the entire process. Rest assured that we take this very seriously and will be at your side every step of the way.

There are several different types of audits:

  • Inquiry or audit letter you receive from the IRS or state
  • Random audit you were unfortunate enough to be selected for
  • In-Office audit (you go to the revenue agent's office)
  • Field audit (the revenue agents come to your business or home)

There are unique aspects to each situation. Never attempt to go this alone; it is always wise to engage with a seasoned tax professional who can make sure the audit stays focused on the facts and that you do not accidentally fall into a question/answer trap. Remember, the revenue agents do this for a living and typically have 10-20 years of experience questioning taxpayers in an audit setting. You need someone who can represent you and look out for you. In many cases, the auditors will end up in our office rather than scheduling multiple visits to your home or business -- with the impact that goes along with that.

Contact us today for a no-obligation review of your audit representation needs.

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